KFH Capital REIT

The Fund aims to provide attractive Real Estate opportunities for those wishing to invest in the Real Estate by investing in all types of Real Estates (investment, commercial, industrial, craft) developed and income-generating within the State of Kuwait, in addition to the distribution of at least 90% of operating income (revenue) Collected (after deducting expenses) for Real Estate to unit holders on a monthly basis, as well as the exploitation of cash surpluses in deposits with Islamic banks or participation in money market funds or income-generating real estate funds (Tradable)


    Fund-type: Closed-Ended (Listed)
    Term of Fund: 30 Years - Renewable
    Fund's Currency: Kuwaiti Dinar
    Asset-Class: Real Estate
    Inception Date: 29 October 2019
    Distribution: Monthly

    Executive Management Members

    • Saleh T. AlKhamees
    • Abdulrahman S. AlBarjas
    • Sulaiman B. AlOthman
    • Khaled AlKhamees

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